Perhaps, not but at the height of this madness , Some figures...

  1. 1,508 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 132
    Perhaps, not but at the height of this madness , Some figures were baying for our blood , in fact there were calls for us not even having access to medicare .

    How about those parents that could not go and see their sick children in hospital because of their jab status ? how about parents , mothers , fathers , , grand parents , husbands and wives , extended families , boy friends , girlfriends , that could not visit loved ones the last time or pay their respects due to their jab status or lock downs and border closures ?

    How about jabs for jobs , but it is your choice !

    How can anyone in this country and the free world turn a blind eye to that ?

    Do not come and tell me that it was an unknown . nah , after 3 months it was no longer an unknown ! jab Mandates ? nah , they knew it was not safe nor effective !


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