Well ...It may seem unbelievable but , it is all pointing in...

  1. 1,508 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 132
    Well ...It may seem unbelievable but , it is all pointing in that direction . The whole covid narrative has been an utter disgrace . Lie after , lie , after lie , Not to mention that they have mandated and coerced the world citizens to take a jab that is an experiment . Paint it with what ever brush you want but , It is an experiment . National emergencies around the world for what ? 99.88 Chance of survival pre omicron ? It wasn;t and is not the flamin plague okay ? GEEZ...

    What happened in the second gulf war ? Weapons of mass destruction . Chemical weapons etc. Half the media was not buying it , The world citizens knew on mass it was an outrageous lie .... Conspiracies ? Did you fall that lie than ? "I doubt it ",, But than again ......

    So many peer reviewed articles we have showed you here .Everyone has seen footage of the Head of the CDC , POTUS , FAUCI , TRUDEAU, MACRON outright lying . We have seen all our CHO's contradicting themselves , Chant telling us to Discard , what they have been telling us for the last 6 months 2 jabs were enough , That this was no longer the case !?. Every directive , Rule , lockdown was based on so called medical advice , Yet they have never ever produced any evidence of this medical advice . The modelling the world over , Has been shown to be an utter fraud and shambles.

    I realise that you being mislead is an inconceivable proposition to you . Not sure , If you are in a state of shock , Perhaps post traumatic stress. But what ever mental block you have . It is not allowing you to punch through some kind of balanced reasoning or alternate possiblitiy , That maybe just maybe this is the biggest conspiracy and fraud .

    Due to our inherent primal behaviour ,Our human history is fraught with injustices , senseless slaughter , greed .Corruption , States have done this before ,on industrial scale .
    We have used different instruments in the past , but we have been down this path before lets go back just a 1000 years ago to POPE urban the second and his (Deus vult!”) God wills it . To this day we are still dealing with that For instance ...

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