Hmm IBM teaming up with the ruling tyranny to help monitor their...

  1. 24,714 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 37
    Hmm IBM teaming up with the ruling tyranny to help monitor their slaves? Kinda sounds familiar somehow?

    Oh yeah!

    "It’s a disgrace to history to ignore the power that technology has in facilitating acts of evil — and IBM’s work with the Nazis serves as a prime example of that facilitation. Beyond questions of morality, the Holocaust presented a number of logistical hurdles to the Nazis, and IBM offered them a perfectly legal solution. Indeed, during the mid-20th century, the software company’s punched-card technology helped the Nazis carry out the genocide of millions. What HappenedFirst, it’s important to note that the Holocaust was at its core a highly organized and bureaucratic act, one planned to the T. Thus the Führer’s Final Solution would take place in six phases: identify those of Jewish descent; exclude them from society; confiscate their property; move them into ghettos; deport them, and exterminate them. The first step toward achieving such a vision involved figuring out just how many people the Nazis needed to round up — in other words, conducting a census. Most advanced governments at the time used punched-card technology to do that, which is why IBM exists today."

    So replace 'punchcard' with 'health pass' and 'Jew' with 'anti-vaxxer' and you can see where this is heading. Oh well, I'm sure IBM can put their previous experience to good use.
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