Yes I wouldn't mind so much being named 'anti-mRNA trial' but...

  1. 10,713 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 408
    Yes I wouldn't mind so much being named 'anti-mRNA trial' but being named antivaccine is factually incorrect anyway because most posters have probably had their full quota of scheduled vaccines during their lifetime. If people use these loose terms they will not be listened to, or taken seriously, because their arguments are flawed from the beginning by putting everyone in the same category.

    The only point where there is REAL argument/ debate is that have the trial mRMA innoculations helped society or destroyed it due to insufficient testing prior to use and the lies and misinformation passed on by 'tainted' health officials and politicians.

    The vaccine argument is mute because the mRNA trial is NOT a vaccine trial, never was!
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