Thanks for forwarding this . at least it is current . But i am a...

  1. 1,508 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 132
    Thanks for forwarding this . at least it is current . But i am a tad bewildered with the point you are trying to make . It certainly can not be about safety . After all ,the TGA has admitted just this week that they did not know about the heightened risk of myocarditis on young people .

    Whilst the TGA states -Four main COVID-19 vaccines are currently in use in Australia - Comirnaty (Pfizer), Spikevax (Moderna), Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca), and Nuvaxovid (Novavax). To be registered for use, these vaccines must have met the TGA's high standards for quality, safety and effectiveness. Based on its history with regards to all things covid .It certainly does instil me with confidence . I mean quality of safety ? how can someone feel reassured when you read this .
    Or the quality and effectiveness ? I mean , any perceived benefit wears off after a couple of months and that of course was for the initial 2 jabs , From what i understand the protection (if any ) that the quarterlies give . last even less .I mean ,how effective are these jabs against omicron and its big bad variants ? 13% -50 % 60 % ? from what has been established it appears that it is the lower end of the % .Furthermore the jabs do not stop the spread , do not prevent an individual from catching it , But we are told they may stop you from getting severely sick or dying ."Albeit " temporally , provided you take the quarterlies !?.I am sorry ,but it does not sound like the so called high standards of quality control are being placated at all .Quite the contrary !

    How about this peach of a pearler . The TGA states or 'claims 'that Myocarditis is very rare ? Really ? What are the odds of the below age groups dying from covid ? What is the benefit, what is the point ?
    • Myocarditis is a known but very rare side effect of Comirnaty (Pfizer) and Spikevax (Moderna). It is usually temporary, with most people getting better within a few days. Myocarditis is reported in around 1-2 in every 100,000 people who receive Comirnaty (Pfizer) and around 2 in every 100,000 of those who receive Spikevax (Moderna). It occurs in males and females but is more common after the second dose in boys aged 12-17 years (13 cases per 100,000 Comirnaty doses and 24 cases per 100,000 Spikevax doses) and men under 30 (9 cases per 100,000 Comirnaty doses and 23 cases per 100,000 Spikevax doses).

    • Vaccination against COVID-19 is the most effective way to reduce deaths and severe illness from infection. The protective benefits of vaccination far outweigh the potential risks. (Based on the above how can any benefit , outweigh the risk as stated by The TGA )?

    As far as I can see all 4 jabs available are duds . However The TGA id doing a great job at promoting Pfizzer . As it is ahead of all the other duds , at least with regards to the above figures . Still a dud ........ The TGA also says that the 750 cases reported are "likey" to be from the jabs . So they can not even determine that but they are certain that the jabs definitely protect you from certain illness and save lives .

    You , Yourself, have mentioned and believe , That the jabs give some protection to those age over 50 or the weak . So are you not concerned that this agency you trust .is still pushing these jabs on those below 50 ? Why are they even allowing these products on the market ?

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