OK, i'll stroke your ego by proclaiming myself as one of 'your...

  1. 10,558 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 389
    OK, i'll stroke your ego by proclaiming myself as one of 'your nutters' publicly stating I am 100% anti-mRNA inoculation, take note ANTI-MRNA!!!!!!!!! due to the apparent harm it is causing to those jabbed. There is at least sufficient doubt to discontinue the inoculation program until more information is available about its efficacy on EVERY person who is inoculated.

    Everything else 'you pro-mRNA nutters' talk about such as conspiracies Alex Jones (there's that unknown personality again) 5G, is a figment of your imagination and not relevant to the thousands who have been adversely affected by mRNA! These people have NOT been affected by Alex Jones, Trump, Aliens, 5G, etc etc.

    By ignoring the true cause of adverse reactions, you are basically saying that it is a figment of their imagination and condemning them for even reporting these reactions.

    You pro-mRNA nutters forget people are dying of something and you attempt to divert attention away by talking about alien invasions, grow up!
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