1. 8,379 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 877
    Watched this a day or so ago and posted it on another thread - interestingly not one comment on the thread I posted it on.

    So much talk about conspiracy theorists and yet here is a doctor that has made a huge difference in some people's lives due to his passion of caring and knowhow. Yet the nature of governments being in bed with big pharma is being uncovered within the documentary and the relentless pursuit of a doctor whose only crime is to make people well without all the toxic chemical alternatives that have been used for decades and made fortunes for those companies producing these toxic chemical based poison cures (so called) where the toxic cure is often more damaging than the actual disease it purports to help with.

    It seems the FDA has a very low standard of human care and compassion but a very high standard of profiteering from people suffering and making people even sicker.

    It's doctors like Mr. Burzynski that should be running cancer clinics worldwide and should be applauded for his pioneering work - work that is both safe and effective in battling cancer. If any know the real meaning of safe and effective it's doctors like these. Yet the FDA took him to the grand jury more than once to discredit his work and wanted him locked up for over 200 years and to fine him for around $18million because the treatment that Mr Burzynski offers would have made a large dent in the profit line of existing toxic cancer treatments. Gold standard of bastardly conduct - simply because they can - American taxpayers footing the $60million + bill.

    The same FDA responsible for the approval of covid shots. Trusting FDA - good luck to any that do. AIMO
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