1. 902 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3031
    Personally, I object to articles that state an individual's injury or death was caused by a Covid vaccine without at least their testimony or that of a close relative. IMO it undermines the work so many professionals and lay people are doing to bring the dangers of these drugs to light.

    It plays into the hands of the propagandists who are then able to characterise vaccine sceptics as crackpots who, as my daughters tell me, "go around blaming everything on the vaccines".

    The fact chokers usually write what's technically accurate. You'll find time and again the statements that severe adverse effects are "rare" and that there's "no evidence" they've caused deaths. Well, there wouldn't be much evidence when pathologists are not allowed to make the connection. US pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole says you're not going to find what you're not looking for. Look what happened to Dr. Peter Schirmacher who's in the top 100. Sean Hartman's father said the pathologist had determined a Covid vaccine was the cause of Sean's death but was afraid to speak publicly for fear of losing his licence.

    Here are the names of some of the children and very young people who were most certainly killed by a Covid vaccine:

    Ernesto Ramirez Junior
    Sean Hartman
    Trista Martin
    Natalie Boyce

    These deaths were all caused by the mRNA drugs. They should be seen in light of the following facts:

    • The original RCTs in alpha showed ZERO evidence of efficacy in preventing death or morbidity.

    • The original RCTs showed ZERO evidence of reducing risk of transmission. This effect was never trialled.

    • A John Hopkins study of 48 000 children found no deaths from Covid in a healthy child under 18, supported by statistics from the UK, Germany and Sweden.

    My view is it's a better strategy to confront the brainwashed with the plethora of ludicrous "explanations" for "sudden death syndrome" and ask them if they think there could be something else going on. The link below is to a site that has a choice collection. I'd like to add one from an article I came across, a suggested cause of heart attacks in athletes: "Being afraid of the referee's whistle".

    One thing all of us who are alive in the next decade or two will have in common is that we're very likely to be asked by adults of the future how the professionals of our day could have allowed something so awful and in plain sight to have gone on for so long.

    My answer will be mass stupidity and insanity.
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