"Free speech doesn't give you the right to talk B.S or tell...

  1. 1,372 Posts.
    "Free speech doesn't give you the right to talk B.S or tell lies"

    I suggest you go to the TGA report of august 2022 and read their report

    Medium age of Covid deaths=85.3
    Over 130,000 Adverse reactions
    Deaths up 17% by ABS by memory.

    FDA placed a heart warning on Covid in June 2021

    Mandates are illegal,except the States used the Corporation act, under the CMO advice to force upon employers.
    Corporations also support the voice.

    In your mother's case she may of been self employed or at an age where she was forced to be injected with the Jab.

    The stockmarket should have taught you to do a thorough search(unless you are new to the ASX)

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