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    "There was no virus"...

    ...and other fairy stories. Keep your focus. It was never about a virus anyway

    OCT 18


    Preface: This is a relatively long article which will take you a good 20 minutes. Feel free to skim it and come back to it. It is however essential reading covering multiple aspects of the COVID pandemic falsehoods from both sides.

    Following the recentopening of the Congressional committee hearing into the originsof the “novel coronavirus” pandemic the following video was posted on twitter. It explains the cover up of the origins in 3 minutes. If you haven’t seen it you can watch it below or if you have an account you should be able to see itthere.

    It was pretty quickly suppressed after gaining traction as I suspect the select committee investigation was too.

    In fact a weird event happened around the same time whereby the select subcommittee released a pdf document containing damning email releases from the likes of Eddie Holmes, but many of the emails wereembedded secretly in hidden pictures within the document¹. They showed that there was intent to hide the man-made origins of the “virus”.

    Worse than that, once they realised the hidden emails were in there the document was quickly sanitised and reuploaded. Thanks to one of our intrepid mice we were able to get the pre-sanitised copy. Despite the scandals involved the select committee will probably go through the motions, no doubt finding nobody guilty of anything (whilst millions of people died from being denied antibiotics for their post-viral pneumonia).

    Yet the questions remain..

    What does it matter, and what actually happened?
    If they created a virus that killed people, shouldn’t they be in jail?
    Was there even a virus?
    Was there a pandemic of deaths?
    If there wasn’t a virus, what caused the deaths?

    I have already answered some of these questions in this article which asked you to stop focussing on internal fighting over speculative events and concentrate on what you actually could see for yourself was going on:

    It doesn't matter

    It doesn't matter


    DECEMBER 25, 2022
    Read full story

    Were there more deaths in 2020?

    Yes - in the UK at least. It’s reasonably well established (if you accept the government data) that there were excessall-causedeaths in 2020. In other words,something happened in the UK (and many European countries) that definitely caused more deaths that year.

    This pattern wasnotpresent in most of Australia and whether there was an all-cause mortality increase in the US is still a bone of contention.

    In case you’re wondering “Why are these two countries your focus?” there is a very simple answer. The UK (via the ONS and UKHSA) and Australia (almost exclusively via NSW data) are really the only places in the world that provided “official” data that allowed us to monitor the impact of COVID vaccines by vaccine status. That is, until it became to obvious that the vaccines were failing.

    “Why did they even release this data then?” is the next question. And that can be answered easily too.It’s because they wanted you to believe that these two places were the “honest and transparent” gold standard for COVID data. So they could tell you anything they wanted, and you’d likely believe them without question:

    Catch me if you can

    Catch me if you can


    NOVEMBER 3, 2022
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    Midazolam and the “3 tablets” scandals

    What is now becoming obvious is that much of the all-cause mortality spike in the UK (and by extension other countries such asFrance) waspredominantly driven by the use of midazolam(which is really bad at treating bacterial pneumonia) andwithholding of antibiotics to the elderly.

    This is the#3tabletsscandal that we have touched on but of which much of the work has beenon twitter.

    Much of the evidence for it came from an analysis of the cyclical antibiotic prescribing data from the UK, whichsuddenly disappeared in… April 2020when there was a huge spike in deaths “from COVID”

    Data extracted fromopenprescribing.netand modelled based on previous years’ average prescribing from 2017-2019.

    What the hell is the #3tablets scandal?

    Although it’s not really the focus of this article, because it’s so important (and it’s a repeated question in the social media sphere) I will try to summarise here.

    This was the post that kicked it off, in December 2022.

    The “3 tablets” referred to the full course of Azithromycin, commonly used (for 20 years or so) to treat community acquired pneumonia. One course. 3 tablets.

    And then the tagline '“If they hadn’t had the test they would have had the tablets”.

    In other words, people diedbecause they had a PCR test.

    Wait, what?

    Well we have to step back in time a bit, back to the olden days up to 2019. In those days, if an elderly patient had a respiratory virus (flu, RSV, Rhinovirus, whatever) one of two things would happen.

    (1) they get better in a week OR

    (2) they get a secondary bacterial pneumonia, and if they don’t get antibiotics early they will die.

    Which is why any decent GP knew that if they had a patient with a virus, who was frail or elderly or immunosuppressed (does this sound familiar for COVID risk groups?) they would tell them that if they had a chesty cough but weren’t better within 24 hours to start antibiotics. If it was a nursing home patient, the GP would start antibiotics immediately.This is because you have to treat the elderly early in pneumonia, or they will die.

    For the more pictorial thinkers the impact of a COVID test on this well established treatment pathway can be represented like this:

    None of this is rocket science. There are7000 paperson community acquired pneumonia on Pubmed up to 2019. Nearly1000 of these include reference to influenzabecause the commonest cause of community acquired pneumonia is respiratory viral infection. In other words, the mantra “you don’t use antibiotics for viral pneumonia” is absolute trash when it comes to post-viral pneumonia. To push the point home there are25,000 papers on “influenza pneumonia”on Pubmed.

    The point is this.

    Respiratory viruses cause an acute inflammatory pneumonitis for a few days.

    This is not primarily fatal as viruses generally cannot kill you without another event. Your lungs will recover within a week, however…

    The pneumonitis disturbs the lung’s natural immunity.

    Bacteria can then take hold and cause a bacterial pneumonia.

    Bacterial pneumonia, if untreated, will kill you.

    This is not some “conspiracy theory”. Fauci knew this, which is why he wrote a paper on it in 2008.

    And although this wasknownfor influenza, it was alsoknownfor coronavirus pneumonia - antibiotics were in theprotocolforSARS-1and MERS.



    If you read that second paper you will notice that it was published in 2019, just before “COVID” and the conclusion was that “macrolide therapy is not associated with a reduction in mortality”. Weird, considering so many of the patients were being given it eh? Well you might also notice that the paper was supervised by the University of Oxford and the authors had vested interests with Gilead (makers of remdesivir) and Regeneron (the expensive treatment given to Donald Trump for “COVID”)

    And despite denials of the utility of antibiotics (for bacterial pneumonia) in the early treatment of COVID by the main players (NIH, NIAID, NICE, WHO) we now know that not only were therethousands of patients successfully treatedby the Zelenko protocol (or similar,containing azithromycin or doxycycline) but it turns out that deaths from COVID were, in fact, predominantly frombacterial pneumonia.

    Bear in mind, too, that “COVID pneumonia” is simply another version of community-acquired (CAP) or atypical pneumonia, which often arises after a previous viral infection.

    So how do we treat community acquired pneumonia? Withantibiotics²of course!

    It should also be noted thatantibiotics are prescribed in CAP without culturing the sputum for bacteria. This is because the yield of sputum culture is low, and if you are trying to culture “atypical” organisms (like legionella or chlamydia) your patient will be long dead before you get the result. So the protocols usually include a penicillin-type antibiotic for “normal” pneumonia and a macrolide or tetracycline for the “atypical” organisms.

    It’s also of interest that the “atypical” organisms like chlamydia and mycoplasma behave a bit like viruses in that they can only survive within a host cell (hence they are calledobligate intracellular pathogens) and so it’s not surprising that antibiotics like azithromycin that target these bacteria also haveanti-viral activity. So when all those twitter trolls accounts say “antibiotics don’t work against viruses” keep this reference handy:

    And remember also, that just because somebody tests positive for “COVID” that doesn’t mean that the “COVID virus” is driving their pneumonia. Here’s a published example (but I’m sure there are many others that weren’t able to get published) showing a patient who actually hadLegionnaire’s diseasedriving his pneumonia but he “tested positive for COVID”.

    So, what do we know so far?

    Just to summarise as we go along - and it is important to recap…

    1. People were presenting with symptoms of a respiratory illness

    2. Some people who were ill were testing positive on a “COVID test”

    3. Some people who were not ill were testing positive (during contact tracing)

    4. The “COVID test” was a PCR test looking for genetic sequences from a “novel coronavirus”

    5. 99% of people got better themselves, but without treatment 1% of people got really worse and some died

    6. Nearly all the deaths were from respiratory failure due to pneumonia, with a median time to death of18 days

    7. The “COVID test” does not look for or exclude a concomitant infection

    Now, in that list are a couple of highlights. The first being thePCR testwhich we will take into a separate section below.

    The other is something you might not have realised, which relates to the median time to death in “COVID” - it’s18 days. That is long after the viral phase has gone (up to 7 days). Everybody knows this. Everybody knows that you will notice a respiratory virus for about a week during which your T-cells deal with it, without any IgG antibodies (that take two weeks to make) needed.

    Most people don’t realise that even though theyknowit. It is fundamental to the con.The con that says that you can’t fight a respiratory virus without massive quantities of antibodies derived from a corporate injection. Yep. You might want to read this paragraph again.

    So, pretty muchall the COVID deaths were in the post-viral phase.Which means something else other than an active virus killed all those people. And that something else was pretty much either bacterial pneumonia (treatable with antibiotics), atypical pneumonia (treatable with antibiotics) or blood clots (rare, but treatable with anticoagulants). That’s assuming they weren’t euthanised before they got to any of those things (see below).

    Getting the picture yet? If all those deaths were from pneumonia, most of them could have been prevented by giving a an anti-inflammatory (e.g. hydroxychloroquine or steroid) to reduce early viral pneumonitis and an antibiotic (azithryomycin or doxycycline) to prevent the secondary bacterial pneumonia that killed most of the “COVID” victims.

    All those “dying patients on ventilators” you saw were not dying of blood clots. They were dying of preventable pneumonia. And if you haven’t read this fantastic substack on#ECMOgatenow is a good time… because it raises the frightening possibility that patients who wereunvaccinatedwerepreferentiallyput onto a pathway with a 40% mortality. You might want to read that last line again.

    Facts Matter
    6th March 2023: Updated at section 3 with actual numbers of ECMO patients in 2021. 1 Introduction In recent days, a high profile Twitter account run by an anonymous medical professional has accused an intensive care practitioner in the UK of serious malpractice. The charges laid range from effectively bringing the medical profession into disrepute, by lyi…
    7 months ago · 64 likes · 97 comments · John Sullivan

    Of course, you might not agree with me but if that’s the case please answer this question:

    What is the mechanism of death brought on by a respiratory virus that is no longer detectable at the time of death?

    There basically isn’t one. Sure, having any infection can increase your risk of blood clotting (DVT/VTE) but that is a rare cause of death in “COVID”. And there wasno significant or massive increase in deaths from myocarditisin the COVID (pre-vaccine) era. Any subsequent claim of “COVID causes myocarditis” occurred in the post-vaccine era, because the vaccine presumably caused the myocarditis associated with the post-vaccine COVID that it didn’t prevent!

    Think about it. It’s a virus. Sure it can get around the body and be annoying and make your blood a bit stickier but it’s like saying a cold can kill you. How? From the fluid loss from a runny nose? Does papilloma virus cause septicaemia? How about herpes?

    All of these viruses need a secondary event. In the case of respiratory viruses it’s almost always pneumonia. But we also found out that some victims of “COVID” didn’t even get to the pneumonia stage…

    The Midazolam Gerontocide

    There was a massive spike in deaths for another reason -euthanasia of the elderly, particularly in the UK. We’re just going to touch on this as it has been covered quite extensively elsewhere including in thisAmnesty International Reportoutlining how the elderly were basically left to die in care homes during COVID because of fearmongering and the closure of hospitals.

    This meant that an elderly person with a stroke or a broken leg was told they could not go to hospital, and therefore died. No, I’m not kidding.

    As compensation to the elderly person with a treatable condition (broken leg, stroke, and yes even pneumonia) instead of going to hospitalthey were given a lethal dose of midazolam, haloperidol and levomeprozine.This was to give them a “good death” according to MP Luke Evans seen in this clip asking minister Matt Hancock whether there was enough of the euthanasia drug in stock before the death surge of April 2020.

    The “good death” might conceivably be considered humane if it wasn’t for the fact that few of them, if any, had a terminal illness. We are literally talking about people with dementia, falls and urine infections. So the midazolam surge came and with it thousands of deaths.

    Each line represents a UK region
    Huge and rapid spike in GP (not hospital) prescribing of midazolam during April 2020 - mostly over a 3-week period, resulting in 10,000s of deaths in UK care homes.

    This has been very much covered in theJikkyleaks threadson twitter, which of course have been archived. But in amongst them is this confronting chart which needs some explanation.

    Source: static bed capacity of 617539 (giving 490326 occupancy at 79.4% in 2020)

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