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    The lipid nanoparticles are able to pass the BBB.,dodge%20the%20reticular%20endothelial%20system.

    There are obvious implications for mRNA products which have been acknowledged to be contaminated with endotoxins. The batches/lots are known to be variable and therefore the levels of contamination. It's not even a matter of testing a vial to determine whether or not the level of contamination is "acceptable"; it's about what happens when this stuff is injected into an individual (some of whom might have increased permeability for various reasons, including prior doses).

    This is one potential mechanism for causing strokes, which have been reported as AEs in peer-reviewed literature:

    One should also view such reports in light of the extreme censorship about what is allowed to be published in peer-reviewed journals. Former AMA president Dr. Kerryn Phelps and senior editor of the BMJ Peter Doshi have publicly spoken of a vicious climate where doctors risk losing their licence for speaking out about harms of Covid vaccines. Phelps AND her wife got serious AEs after mRNA shots. Jackie Stricker-Phelps' AE is neurological and rheumatological.

    (There's also the potential for causing MIS if gut IgA is breached by LNPs, which is what could have happened in the case of Maddie de Garay who was paralysed on the Pfizer trial for ages 12-15. Her symptoms were initially abdominal and reported by Pfizer as stomach ache. Blatant fraud.)

    I'm currently in the UK staying with my mother has suffered from 3 medical coincidences after mRNA vaccines (including a possible stroke in 2022). Recently she had a fall from full height. The medics have tied themselves in knots considering everything BUT the mRNA shots as possible causes. (I got her vaccination record and the dates fit with the time frame), the most ludicrous being withdrawal from medication she's taken for decades (which the hospital caused by taking her off it when she was admitted AFTER her fall).

    My mother has completely lost her sense of smell and, to some extent taste, for at least a year. She says it's from Covid but she was glad she didn't have it "too badly" . I told her these products were sold to us as mitigators and if I lost one sense entirely and some of another, I'd be inclined to view the prophylactic products as useless cr@p and certainly wouldn't consider getting another dose! She looked surprised by this.

    I'm not particularly sociable, don't get out that much but I'm just gobsmacked by how many people I've randomly come across who have had "rare" heart attacks from these drugs. I'm even more gobsmacked that they (the ones I've met) aren't ragingly angry, particularly those forced to have them by their employers. What went on here in Australia in 2021/2022 was unforgivable.

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