Ten minutes after the first time I heard of the...

  1. 29,921 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 250
    Ten minutes after the first time I heard of the Kungflu/Rona/C-19 “outbreak”.

    I had found out that this Super Scary virus was a novel coronavirus and that 30-40% of what we call Common Cold’s were also coronaviruses.

    Having completed Microbiology 101 at the WAIT as a 18 year old (I didn’t blitz it by the way just did enough to pass) I wasn’t going to trust my memory from 30 odd years ago so I googled Covid then I googled Coronaviruses then I googled Common Colds then I googled Novel Virus and after a hour or so I checked up on a couple of memories I have from my time as an 18 year old.

    My number one memory from back then was the lecturer’s explanation as to why there has never been a Cure for the Common Cold.

    Apparently respiratory viruses are quite a bit different to the polioviruses (that was the comparison he made) and the reason why the Cold (and influenza for that matter) had thwarted every attempt to produce a vaccine to combat it was simple.

    Respiratory viruses mutate so quickly that it is impossible to generate a vaccine quickly enough.

    That’s what I assume a Thinking person would have done when they first noticed a media blitz telling us that some crap is going down.

    Thinking people don’t assume that everything they see on the morning news is an outright lie and only a propaganda piece to push a false narrative to screw the Plebs over.

    Most do understand that the morning news can get a little Over enthusiastic and sometimes they tend to focus on the potential downsides as bad news is good for their ratings.

    Are you a Thinking person?
    Did you have a little dig around on the Net to get a better understanding of the Potential Pandemic Virus on Day One?

    Perhaps I’m different from you owing to my life experiences back when I was 18 or perhaps I’m less trusting when it comes to the accuracy of our MSM services?

    Obviously you not being a thinking person or a person who would do a little research on a news story of significance, you might not have noticed that the media isn’t perfect.

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