""Even posters like Walbrook have drunken the koolaid that it is...

  1. 29,058 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 23
    "Even posters like Walbrook have drunken the koolaid that it is all contrails"

    I'm sorry shanoes but they always were contrails, the chem trails is only a new conspiracy theory for cool aide drinkers.

    The whole thing is illogical, the logistics of doing it is simply impossible, the 10s of thousands of planes equipped with tanks and spray equipment that would be needed simply don't exist.
    Why would you spend $trillions to put stuff in the atmosphere that would fall out in a couple of days?
    For chemicals that block the sun to stay up they need to be up in the stratosphere, that is about 22 kilometers up, planes can only fly at around 11 kilometers.
    So many aircraft engineers say that they have to inspect every plane before every flight and say, "if there were spray jets and tanks fitted I would see them."
    Not to mention all the ground staff and suppliers needed, thousands of people and not one whistleblower.
    Every day there are maybe 50 planes that fly from Sydney to Melbourne and the same amount going the other way, they fly a narrow corridor or road as their navigation system locks on to beacons, Brisbane to Melbourne planes cross Sydney to Adelaide or Perth bound planes so that is why the cross hatched patterns appear.
    I get the con trails over my house, but the sky has been clear for a week now in spite of all those planes flying over each day on the same track, but when there is an approaching change in the weather the con trails appear.
    I have been observing them for 60 years now, back then there were only two 727s that flew over my house at 9.30 each morning.
    As Grahame Hood said," I used to fly over my house on the way to Brisbane every day, I used to flash my lights as a way of waving to my wife, she said that some days I was leaving con trails behind and other days not, I had no spray equipment in my aircraft."
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