Hey Banana! This is what happens when you take dangerous...

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    Hey Banana! This is what happens when you take dangerous experimental drugs. Roberto's death DEFINITELY CAUSED BY THE FRANKEN JUICE.

    Barrack Heights NSW, AUSTRALIA - Roberto Garin was only 52 when he ‘died suddenly’ on 28 July 2021.

    The healthy father of two teenagers began feeling ill 48 hours after his first Pfizer shot and dropped dead in front of his terrified wife Kirsti six days later while she was on the phone to paramedics.

    Garin’s family immediately suspected the vaccine caused his death.

    Kirsti was told her husband was the first person to die after a Pfizer shot.

    In fact, 176 deaths following Pfizer jabs had already been reported to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), starting in the first week of the vaccine rollout.

    But when Kirsti shared her concerns with filmmaker Alan Hashem, who released the video together with the accounts of other vaccine injuries and deaths, it unleashed a storm.

    Misinformation researchers’ published by the ABC dismissed Kirsti’s ‘claims her 52-year-old husband died from “sudden onset myocarditis” after receiving the Pfizer vaccine’ because it didn’t ‘square with official data’.


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