The Russians uncovered many bioweapons labs close to their...

  1. 21,770 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 124
    The Russians uncovered many bioweapons labs close to their borders with Ukraine. I don't doubt that Fauci et. al. thought they could covertly do illegal gain of function research in China. No doubt that Chinese intelligence picked up on this and laid a trap for "the West", i.e. they played along up to a point. Likewise the Russians and South Africans, hence the release of the near harmless (to the unjabbed) Omicron strain.

    Bioweapons research and development are real, creation and modification of viruses is real. Gene sequencing is real as is gene editing. Molecular biology these days is really scary. It is amazing what can be done for good or for evil. Fauci and Gates have always been on the side of evil.
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