By Senator Malcolm Roberts

Three Bills are being rammed through the Senate to create legislation that will transform the UN-WEF plans for surveillance and control into a dystopian reality in Australia.

The first is the Identity Verification Services Bill 2023, which is designed to permit the use of biometric data to locate and track citizens and normalise it. The second, the Digital Identity Bill 2023, will ensure Australians have no choice but to succumb to setting up a digital ID. The third is the Misinformation and Disinformation Bill 2023. This is the censorship tool to make sure both the media and social media carries government sanctioned opinions only. The government in power is exempted and free to be the Ministry of Truth, spreading misinformation or disinformation. Remember how well that went during the COVID response?

The Driver’s Licence database is being upgraded to become the repository of your master identification record, which is already being used to establish your identity with a paper check and now with a facial scan.

I implored the Senate to vote against and to reject this Bill. This is the first of three Bills necessary to turn Australia into the world’s first World Economic Forum digital prison.

Rallies against Tyranny

Sunday 5th May | 10:00 am

Freedom Park @ Cairns Esplanade (North of Muddy’s Playground)

JOIN concerned citizens protecting democracy and basic freedoms that the Uni-party is trying to kill through combining these legislation & systems:
• Identity Verification bill — passed parliament;
• Digital Identity bill — paused in parliament due to strong public opposition;
• Misinformation/Disinformation censorship bill — paused in parliament;
• New Payments Platform — in use & tracking every digital financial transaction;
• Digital global currency — Reserve Bank admits developing this with central banks.

If people allow the Liberal-Labor Uni-party to continue with Digital ID and Mis/Disinformation Bills, the Uni-party will hand globalists the foundation for a Social Credit System that will control every aspect of our lives.
Send a strong message to MPs: NO Digital ID bill, NO censorship bill.
Please consider signing the petition:

The details for Brisbane’s National Day of Protest are finalised. There are some great speakers attending the rally.
For all other states and territories, visit the One Nation web site: Events Calendar – Pauline Hanson One Nation

Sunday 5th May | 11:00 am
King George Square, Brisbane