I spent a good 40 minutes in the car with my daughter the day...

  1. 29,749 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 250
    I spent a good 40 minutes in the car with my daughter the day she came down with the Rona and then another 4 days in the same house as her and our youngest who was also infected.

    No masks and no 2 m rules in place, either.

    Wife oldest son and me didn’t catch the Rona until 4 month’s later when my oldest brought home another variant.

    Now this doesn’t show that Masks didn’t prevent transmission but it does indicate that the Rona wasn’t as easy to catch as our health professionals told us on the telly.

    By the way, respiratory viruses can float through the air by themselves without the need to be attached to spittle.

    They can also enter your body through your eyes and yet our health professionals didn’t advocate that we needed to wear goggles with our masks, did they.

    Then there was the biggest furphy (I believe) of the lot, remember being told that there was no chance of natural immunity against the Rona.

    Perhaps you remember the flip flopping on the Mask mandates around the start of this farce?

    Premier’s doing their Mr Miagie impersonations, masks on masks off, all the time quoting the Best medical advice at the Time.

    Perhaps you should try putting one of those N95 masks on when you’re dropping a stinky fart and see if you can still smell them, viruses are smaller than fart molecules.
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