By the way. The fact that viruses can float on the air for hours...

  1. 29,747 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 250
    By the way.

    The fact that viruses can float on the air for hours also makes an absolute mockery of the Social Distancing malarkey that the talking heads fed us, science my Rectum.

    It was complete BS dressed up as being the best medical opinion of the time or as I prefer to call it.
    A blatant Lie to impose fear and compliancy on the general populace in order to justify their removal of freedoms.

    It worked a treat on quite a large proportion of our population and it seems that most people still haven’t twigged to the fact that they were Lied Too by the people who were supposed to be protecting us.

    Safe & Effective, hands up who still believes in this fairytale?
    Who still thinks It Could have been Worse?

    Nothing stopped people from catching the cold and none of the pharmaceutical companies even tested to see if their products reduce transmission.
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