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    Who’s ready for Round 2 of the engineered, manufactured ‘pandemic’ operation? Terrific, informative video presentation by Alex Newman, one of my favorite investigative journalists.The bird flu - H5N1 - has been around for decades with very little danger. Only a few hundred people have died in the entire world over the past 30 years from bird flu.Yet bird flu is now being pushed into our faces as a ‘dangerous pathogen 20X more lethal than covid.’ The news is filled with fear porn over bird flu hysteria. Tens of millions of livestock have already been killed over it; but the REAL reason is to create meat and milk shortages so people will be forced to buy fake lab-created and insect ‘food.’ And also to justify injecting every animal with deadly mRNA products, as has been done the past few years. The idea is to use H1N5 as the next ‘covid’ for Round 2 of the global ‘pandemic’ operation to gain even more political control and financial power - and to push more deadly mRNA ‘vaccines’ into billions of people.Here’s the most important point: H1N5 is a real danger ONLY IF IT IS MADE more lethal through intentional, gain of function action - WHICH IS BEING DONE RIGHT NOW!H1N5 left on its own is a nothing burger. But any virus can be made deadly in a lab, and that is exactly what the US, UK and other governments are doing - engaging in gain of function research to convert the bird flu into a ‘lethal pandemic’ worse than covid, for purely political and financial purposes.Naturally-occurring viruses are rarely serious threats. (Example: the Spanish Flu itself was only 1/10 as deadly as advertised; there were far more deaths from 'vaccines' and bacterial infections - which are easily treated with antibiotics). It takes deliberate action to transform existing or create new viruses that are genuine threats to life.Are you ready for Round 2? How will you respond this time?
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