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    John Day

    Prepare for the bird-flu bioweapon. Peter McCullough MD has this: Chloroquine Highly Effective Treatment for Acute H5N1 Infection in Preclinical Model
    Bird Flu Study in Human Cell and Mouse Models Confirms Therapeutic Success
    Because highly pathogenic avian influenza is so infrequent, there have been no randomized trials or human studies of treatment. Therefore, we must rely on preclinical data with drugs that are already used and proven safe in humans.
    Yan, et al studied H5N1 infection in the laboratory and demonstrated that physiological relevant concentrations of chloroquine inhibited viral entry and damage to human cells. Additionally, when given as treatment and not prophylaxis, chloroquine reduced pulmonary alveolar infiltrates and improved survival in mice after a lethal dose of H5N1 from zero to 70%.

    From Meryl Nass MD, Death rates considerably higher in hospitals for same diagnosis compared to 5 years ago/ Pittsburgh Action News
    One hospital is “investigating its algorithms”—maybe the problem IS the algorithms? Maybe while the robotic clinicians order algorithmic care few are evaluating how the patients respond any more? (The “providers” are being forced to follow algorithms, trained to be robots so they can be replaced by computers, and I don’t think it will take too long before that happens). I am serious. I think that the elites have deliberately made the patient experience unpleasant, just as they have made flying in airplanes unpleasant. Just as being a worker has become more unpleasant since you have to watch what you say and get used to being monitored all the time.

    Steve Kirsch, Latest Rasmussen survey shows that the “cure” was nearly as deadly as the disease
    The latest Rasmussen survey of Americans shows that we nearly doubled the death toll of the COVID virus with the vaccine.

    Steve Kirsch points out that “objective-data” has funding sources with interests:
    Official US government data shows that there is no doubt whatsoever that the COVID vaccines cause Guillain-Barre, Bell’s palsy, and other serious side effects.

    Meryl Nass MD, US Secretary of State today implied the treaty would not go forward next week, lacking consensus, but it may have been a dodge.
    Representative Chris Smith (R, NJ) asked Secretary of State Antony Blinken whether he would submit the Pandemic Treaty (actually there are 2 treaties, the IHR amendments and the Pandemic Agreement) to the Senate for ratification.
    Weasel Antony Blinken did a double dodge on the question... Not wanting to answer the question, he didn’t.
    Instead, he pivoted to excluding the IHR amendments and only spoke about the “Pandemic Agreement.” He claimed no consensus had been reached, thus implying it would not be adopted next week. But of course, a version might be.

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