5 SCIENTIFIC Reasons Your ‘Vaccinated’ Friends & Family Won’t...

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    5 SCIENTIFIC Reasons Your ‘Vaccinated’ Friends & Family Won’t Listen (And What to Do About It)

    Guest Post by Eccentrik

    We’ve all experienced it. You’re doing your darnedest to get through the programming, saying all the right things, trying hard to remain calm and rational, and then it happens. Eyes glaze over, heads shake, and that deep-seated denial rears its ugly head.

    At times they become so dismissive and irate, it’s like you’re dealing with a child!

    No matter what you say, it seems, your vaccinated friends and family simply won’t listen. But why? What’s causing this widespread phenomenon? Why can’t they see what’s right in front of their faces? And more importantly, how in the world do we break the conditioning?

    Here are 5 science-backed reasons – science not scientism – why your jabbed family and friends won’t listen (and what you can do about it):

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