cd65,I tell people that we shouldn't pay much more than a 2%...

  1. 35,802 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 200

    I tell people that we shouldn't pay much more than a 2% Consumption Tax and NO OTHER TAXES.

    I tell them that Government Spending in every Department SHOULD ALL BE AUDITED in detail and the results published so that a Primary School Student can understand them.

    Individuals should not stand for a Political Position and instead, Groups should put up an Agreement to Deliver Policies for Future Projects.

    No Politicians should be a Minister of Anything................ instead, Professional People with work experience should head Government Departments and be tasked with delivering the approved projects.

    People shouldn't be allowed to Vote unless they pass a Multiple Choice questionnaire on what each Entities Policies are.

    For example, a competent Engineer should head up the Infrastructure Department with a life Jail Sentence to anyone in a Government that gives favours and a free ride to their buddies or robs the Public Purse.

    So much should change and there's no room on this Forum to mention 99% of them
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