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    Welcome to scamdemic 2.0, The Famining!

    A private government report obtained this week in response to questions over the decision to kill over 500,000 chickens in Victoria, Australia shows that the people making the decision had no verifiable evidence of a high risk infectious outbreak. The chicken farms that were claimed to be infected were so distant from any possible bird source that it was unlikely or impossible to have happened without deliberate intervention or manipulation of testing. The CSIRO, the Australian equivalent of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, is the closest possible source of the "outbreak" and it is not the first time they have been involved in the emergence of "new" viruses.

    The chicken cull would appear to be a manufactured crisis. This week I received a copy of a government document sent in response to questions about this unusual event in Australia - the culling of 500,000 chickens. So what event was so catastrophic that half a million chickens had to be culled (that is, killed, not to be eaten but to be disposed of without ever touching the food chain)? Apparently an outbreak in three farms of H7N3 bird flu1, with another farm 100km away affected by a different H7 strain - H7N9. And according to WAHIS (the animal outbreak monitoring agency) these are the only outbreaks this year in Australia - and they have appeared almost as far South as you can possibly get. Near a place called Geelong (in the same state as Melbourne). Now the interesting thing about the city of Geelong for those who pay attention is that it is the home of Australia’s version of the Wuhan Institute of Virology - the CSIRO. Which of course is completely coincidental because there are obviously other routes that a bird-borne infectious outbreak can take other than being created by a scientific institute famous for manipulating identifying “novel” bat viruses.

    As most bird flus are supposed to originate in Asia here is a nice map view of the route that the infected birds would take to get to Geelong. It’s a long way to fly, which may be why there isn’t any “naturally occurring” H5N1 (Asian Bird Flu) in Australia. And if there were infectious diseases coming from Asia, you would see them in Queensland or the Northern Territories first. So, if Australia is going to get H5N1 Bird Flu naturally it is going to be a bit of a tall order… Unless… The clucky Bird Flu perpetrators come through the back door, from Antarctica.

    Well of course Australia’s national broadcaster the ABC is one step ahead of you there with this amazingly clever prebunking video including CNN-level “dead-birds-in-a-row” staged dead bird carnage images, to really make you think it’s bad out there. And if you REALLY aren’t sure how DEADLY this is, we are not only going to show you dead pelicans lined up on snow but WE ARE GOING TO PUT 100 MILLION KILLED IN RED - and make it look like the COVID dashboard. There. Are you scared yet? No? Well we haven’t finished.

    Certainly Jo Sillince, CEO of the “Australian Chicken Growers Council” isn’t, because she appears in both the ABC’s news article telling us how scary this could all be AND in the video above telling us that the main risk is from Antarctica. So, if you’re not scared of Joanne, or the ABC, you damn well better be because there is BIRD FLU COMING FROM ANTARCTICA TO KILL THE CHICKENS. And, not wanting to point out the obvious or anything but getting bird flu from Antarctica is not that easy. You see the major migration patterns of birds don’t really include a pathway from Antarctica to Australia. And even if the odd Antarctic Albatross were to accidentally find its way to the coffee shops of Melbourne it would have struggled to pick up an Asian bird flu in the snowy wastes of Antarctica.

    And just before we start with the real story of what is going on I need to give some background on Michelle Wille, friend and multiple co-author of Edward Holmes, multiple co-author of the EcoHealth scientists discussed further below. Michelle is the senior scientist in the “Antarctic Chickens” video above and essentially runs the “scary virus” campaigns in Australia, sucking up huge amounts of funding for “pandemic preparedness” which never actually prevents pandemics. Here she is attempting to scare the beejezus out of you with an article in the Conversation, which hosted the very same buddy Eddie Holmes two years ago with a similar story telling us how we were all crazy for thinking that COVID came from a lab. Except it turns out that it did.

    More at the link, well worth a read.
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