1. 24,698 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 37
    "It depends on the benefit risk ratio, this is how the TGA determines what is an acceptable level of risk to declare a product safe."

    No they don't. In the case of the covid vax they just took the pharma corporations word for it with no independent studies of their own.

    "We are so far beyond debating safety, it is an arbitrary measure that the TGA is responsible for determining. "

    You might be beyond the debate but the rest of us aren't. You blind religious faith in the TGA and all things government is quite sad but understandable.

    "You grew up in nanny state Australia, that's why you demand everything be safe so the government regulates the heck out of you and you wonder why you've got no freedom.

    Can you quote where I have demanded that government do those things for me? Government does all of that because it is a psychopathic entity that has to control everything in the world.

    "t amazes me that antivaxxers declare themselves to be freedom loving but demand 100% safety.
    100% safety is inconsistent with freedom."

    Are you talking to yourself now? But yes, If I am going to inject an unknown substance from disreputable sources into my body then if I can't get a 100% guarantee of safety then I will happily forgo the substance. The real problem is people like oyu and your masters that tried to violently FORCE me to submit to it.

    "You don't want to take a vaccine because it's not 100% safe, ok, we have to lock you in a cage to keep you and everyone else safe, that's what you want right?"

    There's that normy logic again. If you have taken your shot then you should already be 100% safe, that's what vaccination means, or it least it used to. If you do not feel safe then that is your subconscious telling you what you already know, that the injections don't work and may be putting your greater health at risk. Locking healthy people up will not help you in the slightest.
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