#161942John DayParticipant Meryl Nass MD, More on the looming...

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    John Day

    Meryl Nass MD, More on the looming bird flu disaster. Lots of good new info, especially on how they avoid regulation of pandemic vaccines
    Our old friend Jeremy Farrar helped create and control the narrative for 20 years, and now he is marketing the vaccines. https://merylnass.substack.com/p/more-on-the-looming-bird-flu-disaster

    Did the AIDS virus originate from the US Special Virus Cancer Program?
    VAIDS as a “vaccine” induced SV40 promotor “viral” state: “It may be that tumor-associated molecules we seek are not due to mutations, but rather are the result of virus infection.”
    “It was really a miracle how I discovered the Special Virus Cancer Program texts from 1971 and 1972,” Dr. Horowitz continued. “I thought I was done my 3-year investigation. I needed one last primary citation that was in a Congressional Record in the basement of the Chapel Hill Davis Library. There I needed access to the “Government Documents” part of the basement under librarian supervision. I was following the librarian when I suddenly, literally, heard a loud voice inside my head that told me to ‘Stop. Turn right.’
    “It was like I entered the Twilight Zone. And I needed to cajole the librarian who didn’t want me to ‘turn right’ and walk into a restricted area. It was really bizarre. The voice told me, ‘Don’t mind him. Just walk.’
    “So I followed the voice and really got the librarian angry and frustrated. ‘All right. I’ll get your Congressional Record,’ the fellow finally said, as I continued to walk slowly away following the voice.” …
    ..”Suddenly, from among thousands of volumes, the words Special Virus Cancer Program flew up into my face. I had seen those words in the funding acknowledgement sections of Gallo’s early publications with Litton Bionetics. But when I searched for those Special Virus Cancer Program records, they could not be found. They had been ‘disappeared’ from all the library catalogs.”
    “In that miraculous moment I reached down, picked up the book, and happened to open it to the first page of Litton Bionetics’ report to the National Cancer Institute.
    “‘I think I found what I am looking for.’ I yelled across the expansive floor to the angry librarian. I then took the texts to the photocopying machine and spent the rest of the afternoon and evening photocopying the books.
    “Later, in 1997, after I came out with the secreted contracts, and the library reference numbers, there were so many people requesting the volumes that officials could no longer hide the records. That’s when the volumes showed up for the first time in the library catalogs and online data bases.” https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/did-the-aids-virus-originate-from

    Thanks Red. 2 minutes on what happens if you simply invert the graphic data, turn positive to negative: Error or Fraud – A New Bombshell in the Data https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rwlp-UzJR2A

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