Joannie, I am no different to you in many respects and are...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 258
    Joannie, I am no different to you in many respects and are curious as to why you chose my post to respond to.

    As many of my fellow posters point out, we all had a choice as to whether to allow ourselves to be injected with this poison.

    I made the fatal error of putting my love for food and travel before my health and submitted to the propaganda and had 2 jabs.

    There would be hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people that massively regret succumbing to the lies and propaganda that government, health regulators and pharmaceutical companies spread.

    In the early stages, it wasnt easy to access information that independant medical experts wanted to impart of the dangers of the experimental drug because they were censored, suspended or just plain pilloried by the agenda driven thugs.

    i may have been a little slow off the mark but my previous experience in high level intelligence analysis soon resulted in mountains of evidence that quickly highlighted the whole Covid Scam from its origins dating back well before the plandemic even got off the ground. I only wish in hindsight that I still had access to link analysis software that I could have used to depict the many levels of corruption and collusion that was deployed by the criminals. Even your dumbest of dumb like EOTiger, flogco and others would have questioned their wilful blindness.

    Your comment about not trusting Police is warranted to some extent and is backed up by the violence they perpetrated on the general public during freedom of speech and lockdown protests. From harassing old ladies on park benches, to
    knocking old ladies to the ground during protests, targeting and seriously assualting protesters actually leaving a protest, arresting pregnant women in front of their children for their mere involvement in organising her right to protest, illegal arrests of independant media trying to capture footage of Police and protesters conduct.

    ALL the above examples and charges by Police were either withdrawn or dismissed in court and it cost us, the taxpayer several hundred thousands of dollars in costs. I can tell you from first hand knowledge that the majority of Police are well intentioned but when their leaders are dancing to the tune of despots like Dan Andrews it is a licence for the thug element of Police to behave the way they did.

    For anyone that continues to push or support the actions of those that forced these dangerous drugs on the people deserve the continuing greatest condemnation and I for one am happy to call the 'muppets' out.
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