The honest people admit to their lives being “something of a...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 250
    The honest people admit to their lives being “something of a roller coaster”.

    It doesn’t matter if we knew that the novel treatments would be absolutely useless from the first time we heard them say that they could produce a vaccine.

    It doesn’t matter if we had decided to do a bit of research, just before we were due to blindly accept the narrative and the need to take a treatment that hadn’t been tested for the required time to justify the Safe & Effective claims of our State and Federal leader’s.
    Then took the punishment that only a small percentage decided to do, regardless of the economic and family/friends impacts that their position brought.

    It doesn’t even matter if a person had one or six novel treatments and they have only recently had their epiphany (twigged onto the thought that thing’s don’t smell all that good).

    We all are different, we all have different life experiences, grew up at different times and the list is endless for how much we are the similar but different.

    I’m glad that people like Joannie have had an epiphany, I’m more disappointed that there aren’t more people who haven’t put their hand up and spoken out.
    That they now are worrying about trusting our health officials and government, owing to personal issues after taking the treatment that wasn’t really fully qualified as being S&E’d or have a friend or family member who they think may have potentially been unfortunate due to the novel treatments.

    Questioning, in my opinion, isn’t on a time restriction.
    Anytime is better than no time for self reflection and enlightenment.

    My life’s been great, it’s been average, it’s been crap and I’ve even had a good wrestle with the Black Dog on a couple of occasions (wouldn’t recommend it to anyone).

    It’s the crappy things that make the good times so good and we all have different crappy lows that we bounce off of

    I agree with your sentiment, seriously doubt that we will see fair and balanced results in bringing any justice and only hope that more people realise that they need to stop believing everything that they see on the TV.

    For most people have limited options, they have to just ride the odds that they got the benign shot or that their genetic code is dialled into Lucky.

    The vast majority of my friends don’t want to hear any conversation in relation to this issue (if they don’t think about it then it’s not an issue).
    Head in the sand, change the subject, cite a 2021 reference, or tell me that they don’t want to discuss it, blatantly changing the subject or just laughing about my hat being too tight.
    Are my biggest concern, they are the people who we should all be worried about.

    I’ve known Jo for a bit and I reckon she’s okay.
    I think if the bagger’s knew (roughly) what she was like as a person, they wouldn’t be such dick’s.

    But everyone has the right to their opinion as do we
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