Amazing how callous and cruel people can be against those who...

  1. 10,454 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 379
    Amazing how callous and cruel people can be against those who exercise their democratic right to just say no?

    What difference is there between a woman about to be raped when she says 'NO' and we agree with that it is her call, but someone who is otherwise healthy says 'NO' to a trail injection becomes the focus of scorn and derision - there is something wrong with the brain when the hypocrisy is self evident?

    So many are compromised beyond belief when they think it's OK to deny a person to just say NO!

    Lets hope all the feminists out there will back down and stop saying NO - you have removed your right to say NO! Yes?

    I hope you all agree! It's OK to 'forcibly impregnate' a person with a trial drug but not to procreate!
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