Ok, well this character EyeoftheTiger, is obviously, as they...

  1. 11,593 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 674
    Ok, well this character EyeoftheTiger, is obviously, as they would say in England “ a wind up merchant”
    How could you feel threatened by such an idiot who speaks such nonsense?

    Tbh I think the western world is far more under threat from the Muslim people.
    Call me racist if you like, I don’t give a damn.

    You just need to see what has happened in Europe, particularly in the UK. More astounding in London!
    The Muslims, the majority who are illegal immigrants, have been pouring into the the UK in massive numbers.
    Do you not notice that the mayor of London is one, so many political figures are Muslims.
    They have made it very clear that their intentions are to breed out the white people within 20-25 years and unless radical changes are made, very quickly, I believe they will achieve their aim.

    I hesitate to say this, for the fear of offending people, but they think they have the right to impose Sharia Law in the UK. How bloody arrogant is this? There are mosques everywhere.

    But to get down to the nitty gritty, their original leader Mohammed, wed a 9 year old child, it is disgusting.
    You have probably never heard of Tommy Robinson? Well I have been contributed to his cause for years.
    He has been to hell and back. If you look him up you will be told a load of shit. But this guy is a bloody hero.

    He is a working class man from Luton, which is North of London. He has sacrificed everything, including his marriage and spent time in jail to try so hard to help so many young girls from the North of England, who have been groomed by these bloody Muslims. So many have been raped, not once, not twice, but multiple times.
    Their lives have been ruined.

    So guess what happened? The authorities and the far left wing police, who dance in the street in rainbow outfits ff’s. Turn a blind eye to this abuse. Cos nowadays many of the police are Muslims as well and those who are not are petrified.

    I was born in London. I went to work there aged just 15. I felt safe, of course you always had to watch your back for the perverts who have always been around, but it was not that difficult. One morning on the underground, some guy in his 3o’s or so, who I was sitting next to, started creeping his hands up my leg inside my coat and do you know what I did?
    At the top of my voice, I said, you pervert, how dare you touch me, you bastard. He ran off at the next stop, that was then. But today they carry knives and machetes.

    So I guess I may not have answered your question, I apologise for that. But we all need to make a stand against all mass immigration. Chinese people who are very wealthy, send their kids to study here. It is a back door for the whole family to get visas. It must be stopped.

    We should not allow foreigners to invest in property. The homeless problem is an awful situation.
    I do not buy into the story of cutting out negative gearing, because as soon as that is done and I believe it is active in Victoria. Investors will run a mile and I do not blame them.

    The government has done bugger all to provide for tenants, therefore private landlords are essential. There is a lot of jealousy and bitterness about this. But unless more public housing is provided and we stop the foreigners buying and leaving properties empty.
    There will be even more homelessness, this really troubles me.

    So there you have it, my personal opinion, for what it is worth, which may be zilch.

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