John DayParticipantOpposing Tyranny...

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    John Day

    Opposing Tyranny

    David Hughes Ph.D. is a scholar who set about researching the globalist financial cabal in 2020, when he saw totalitarian moves in play, similar to 1930s Germany.
    Resistance and Faith, A short reflection on the relationship between resistance and faith, in light of all that has happened since 2020, DAVID A. HUGHES
    Like many people in 2020, I lost a lot of respect for thinkers whose work I had previously admired.
    In particular, I was dismayed that well-known “leftists” and “left-wing” publications had barely a word to say against the overtly fascistic measures being rolled out under the pretext of combatting a novel disease. On the contrary, supposed champions of the working class were found arguing for mass unemployment, business closures, and draconian police powers, as well as discriminatory “vaccine” mandates and “health passes.” Even when millions of people around the world marched against the unfolding attack on their fundamental rights, the political Left doubled down on its betrayal of the working class, e.g. by following the mainstream media in portraying protestors as “far right” and “fascist.” I concur with Simon Elmer’s verdict that the Left’s abject failure to oppose the global biosecurity state represents a momentous historical failure as ignominious as its failure to stop the rise of fascism a century ago.

    Jeffrey Tucker, The Pandemic Excuse for a Corporatist Coup
    Much of the authority for this whole coup traces to the Public Health Services Act of 1944, which was passed in wartime. For the first time in US history, it gave the federal government the power to quarantine. Even when the Biden administration was looking for some basis to justify its transportation mask mandate, it fell back to this one piece of legislation.

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