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    My mother has given me permission to write about the literal insanity of her "diagnosis".

    My mother was admitted to hospital over Christmas 2023 after a series of falls and suffering hallucinations. According to the discharge form, the "diagnosis" was acute withdrawal from Nitrazepam. My mother is very organised about certain things and one is taking her medication at the right time and dose. She's adamant she was taken off her sleeping tablets in the hospital (after her falls) where she experienced what she described as "a different type of fall" to the ones preceding her admission.

    Knowing vertigo and falls from full height including backwards (as my mother experienced) and neurological AEs have commonly been reported after mRNA shots, I got hold of her vaccination record. Sure enough, she had a Pfizer booster which does fit the time frame. The treating physician wrote and said the EEG showed no evidence of fits or seizures and that a neurologist was consulted. The suggestion was that my mother be started on anti-epileptic Keppra!

    I went through the facts about the mRNA shots with my mother and told her to make up her own mind. She later told me she was "ignoring reminders" from the GP practice to get her Covid booster. I thought she was safe from the poison pushers but oh no! In June this year, my mother had an eye appointment at the local hospital. As my very elderly mother sat alone in the waiting room, she said a woman was offering Covid vaccines “as if she were selling ice cream,” pleading with hesitant patients to “help her out.” My mother agreed “for the sake of peace.”

    I've written three letters to hospital consultants and my mother's GP practice. The study on frameshifting is devastating. It should have dealt a fatal blow to the entire mRNA platform. If an effect can't be anticipated or controlled, how can efficacy or safety be claimed at all?

    Apologies for a long post but I'd appreciate any suggestions as to any other relevant info I can include to ensure my letters are a massive rocket fired up their dumb abusive asses!

    Facts about the mRNA Vaccines I Provided My Mother:

    No evidence of benefit in mortality from the original RCTs against alpha; there were more deaths in the treatment than placebo arm on the Pfizer trial.

    No evidence of reduced risk of a severe outcome from Covid; reduced risk of hospitalization wasn’t the PE because, at the time of the trials, it was too uncommon an event and the raw data on hospitalizations haven’t been released.

    No testing for mucosal immunity, which means the vaccines could never have reduced the risk of transmission.

    Evidence of gaming of the trials: a large document (available here released under FOIA lists thousands of subjects excluded after the first dose from the Pfizer 16+ RCT; Pfizer told the FDA to remove reactogenicity data from 100 adolescents enrolled in C4591001 (ages 12-15). That’s a substantial number considering the entire cohort was only 2260.

    Evidence of two different manufacturing processes: Process 1 and Process 2; the Pfizer products, which ended up on the market, were manufactured according to Process 2 and tested on just 250 subjects.

    Inflating efficacy by reporting relative, rather than absolute, risk reduction.

    The severe, life-changing injuries censored from the original RCTs, two of which are referred to in the FDA ADCOMs.

    (The original RCTs provide the best evidence as to the reality of the safety and efficacy of these drugs; all real-world data are potentially confounded because of bias in testing/reporting, the misclassification of vaccination status and the heavy censorship of the reporting of injuries and lack of follow up, as stated by former AMA president Professor Kerryn Phelps.)

    John Ioannidis’ (one of the most highly cited and respected medical researchers) papers on Covid IFR.

    FDA ADCOM which voted 16:2 against boosters in the general population publicly available on YT from September 2021.

    Two senior FDA officials (Krause and Gruber) quit over licensing of the mRNA vaccines and published articles critical of boosters, particularly through Omicron (The South African study by Wolter at al. (which is particularly good) was correct that Omicron was milder and reduced the cases of Covid, not the vaccines.)

    Uncontrolled antigen and response. Repeated dosing can promote a switch to IgG4 antibodies which, rather than being protective, could be immune suppressive.

    Highly credentialed immunologists, physicians and statisticians who have expressed serious concerns over the mRNA vaccines: Professors Masanori Fukushima, Robert Clancy, Ehud Qimron, Kerryn Phelps, Angus Dalgleish, Norman Fenton, Dr. Aseem Malhotra and many others.

    Evidence from different independent research groups who tested vials and found contamination by plasmid DNA with significant variability across lots. This is a concern in light of the LNPs’ ability to cross the BBB.

    Some Potentially Helpful Links

    Evidence of mRNA vaccine-induced psychiatric AEs:

    Pfizer’s postmarketing experience document listing epileptic psychosis as a potential AE:

    Submission by Professor Kerryn (#510 on p26) refuting vaccine-induced injuries are “rare”. She says her colleagues are seeing “a lot” of cases of cardiological, rheumatological, autoimmune and neurological consequences of Covid vaccine.

    Both Professor Phelps and her wife suffered injuries from mRNA vaccination. Their cases have been reported to the TGA but not followed up on. Jackie Stricker-Phelps’ injury is neurological and devastating:

    Letter to the BMJ with links to evidence there were two manufacturing processes for the Pfizer/BioNtech products. What ended up on the market was a product manufactured according to process 2, tested on just 250 subjects:

    Evidence the LNPs themselves have their own toxicity profile.

    Evidence of censorship of information about what’s actually in the vials. The TGA was asked to produce findings on batch tests and released 74 pages fully redacted:

    Evidence frameshifting can and does occur. This is one plausible mechanism for off-target effects, including neurological ones.

    The study by Malroney et al. shows in animal and human models, that modified (to reduce immunogenicity) mRNA, as used in vaccines, can unfortunately be misread during transcription to produce unusual (off-target) long-proteins (unlike natural Covid) that elicit immune responses. “ Both ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 and BNT162b2 vaccination produced ELISpot responses to in-frame SARS-CoV-2 spike, but responses to +1 frameshifted products were observed only in individuals vaccinated with BNT162b2 (Fig. 2e,f) ”“These findings are of particular importance to our fundamental understanding of how ribonucleotide modification affects mRNA translation, and for designing and optimizing future mRNA-based therapeutics to avoid mistranslation events that may decrease efficacy or increase toxicity.”

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