you are totally freakin bonkers . You sound like a certain...

  1. 1,508 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 132
    you are totally freakin bonkers . You sound like a certain Robert Mugabe and A little man with a weird moustache , when they were in their final stages of neurosyphilis .

    I'll put $1000 on mine being superior to yours in every metric.

    You are totally off your rocker .....You do not even make any sense .... what is this ? overcoming terminal illness every single day of our lives like we are, what's the word, "living"?

    Are you also implying that 100% of the people you know or associate with are jabbed ? I thought MAGOWANS 99% claim could not be beaten , But here you are out doing him .

    So what are the odds that my brainwashing, which comes to me care of my parents, siblings, teachers, doctors, dentists, engineers, lawyers, scholars, builders, soldiers, musicians, artists, philosophers, etc etc etc etc is less accurate than yours, which comes to you via bitchute and twitter?

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