What part was mishandled?Closing schools for children that were...

  1. 2,647 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 5
    What part was mishandled?

    Closing schools for children that were at virtually zero risk?

    NoJabNoJob for the majority of the Australian workforce even though, the vast majority again was not at risk and they blatantly lied about the efficacy and "herd immunity"?

    the purchase of 251 million doses for covid "vaccines"? Hopefully you did your part and are up to shot 10 by now.

    lockdowns forcing small businesses out, while funding large corporations with billions of tax $$$?

    Trusting companies like pfizer, that have been slapped with billions of $$$ of fines for falsifying data, bribing medical professionals etc?

    How can you acknowledge the fact that "global issues" were incredibly mishandled and still support a drug treatment that lined the pockets of large companies, allowed a massive power grab from governments and global organisations for a virus that has a 0.05% mortality rate and an average age of death of 86 years old?

    I assume you put it all down to incompetence and the fact that "they didnt know"?
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