Funny , people don't want to die but lemmings still jump...

  1. 5,955 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 295
    Funny , people don't want to die but lemmings still jump off cliffs when prompted.

    Those people allegedly falling dead in the street in Wuhan China were crisis actors and those videos have been long debunked.
    Just like the younger crisis actors they used in Australia who pretended to be dying of Covid in those pathetic ads promoting jabs.

    As for India, they told Pfizer with their experiment to FO and used the much cheaper and effective Ivermectin nipping it in the bud easily.
    Its only the obese junk food eating west that was dying and that's for a combination of reasons .

    Anyone who dies in India gets cremated anyway in a bonfire so you're wrong there too.
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