COVID-19 vaccines may cause 88.8% miscarriage rate That article...

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    COVID-19 vaccines may cause 88.8% miscarriage rate

    That article also reports bad outcomes for the surviving births from the vaccinated pregnant women . . .

    . . . among 724 live-born infants were preterm births (60 of 636 among those vaccinated before 37 weeks [9.4%]), small size for gestational age (23 of 724 [3.2%]), and major congenital anomalies (16 of 724 [2.2%]); no neonatal deaths were reported at the time of interview . . . but who knows how many have died by now?

    There is much evidence that the vaccine disrupts the female reproductive system. Eg, millions of females everywhere are reporting adverse changes to their periods after vaccination. All being ignored by the medical system. The vaccine has also been shown to restart periods in post menopausal women and F to M transgender (testosterone induced) males.

    The female period can be described as the spontaneous abortion of the unfertilized egg. So is the vaccine, or vaccinated immune system, acting as an abortion trigger or causing the immune system to destroy the fetus? With 88.8% of vaccinated females in the 1st & 2nd trimesters experiencing spontaneous abortions, the answer to that can only be => YES!

    Unstoppable! Could this vaccine thing be our version of the meteorite that wiped out the dinosaurs?
    Last edited by kacy: 25/07/21
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