Covid Deaths VS Covid Vaccine deaths in AUS, page-49

  1. 17,930 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 14
    These were the two claims you presented as facts and the truth.

    "When the government has told us for 2 years x amount of Covid hospitalisations, when in fact the truth is 50% of those numbers... hard to beat that... Now why would they say that to us ??"

    "Oh and studies are showing the some peoples immune system has not bounced back and in fact they are more susceptable to catching not only covid but other diseases/viruses"

    I asked you to substantiate these two points that are damming of the government and groups like the TGA.

    You have since presented another batch of claims to be debunked.

    Much of what you say has been dismissed in these threads and you want anyone who challenges your claim to spend the night ferreting responses.

    The onus is on you to back up your points.

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