Covid Overblown Risks and Fear Campaign, page-2

  1. 9,240 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 511
    Willial, i guess the cavalier approach to covid-19 as recommended by you and as seen in the US has after all only resulted in the deaths of 564,000 people. That is to say only 1 in every 587 have died so far from covid-19.

    willial, that isn’t even 1 in every 500 have died, its only 1 in 587.

    really nothing much to worry about eh. According to you.

    that could explain why PM Scotty from marketing has been so lax in organizing and rolling out a vaccination program in Australia.

    scotty has been so lazy in organizing a vaccination program for the people who voted him into office that, according to the Our World In Data site on the internet, Australia has administered 1.23 million vaccine doses compared to say Cambodia - one of the poorest countries on Earth - which has given 1.43 million jabs.

    but Willial, you’re saying Scotty’s feet-up Hawaiian holiday style vaccination program is sensible because the whole covid-19 pandemic is an overblown, over-rated tabloid scare.

    you’re a champion of thepeople Willial. And just to reinforce that, make sure you’re the last in the queue to get vaccinated.

    Scotty, as all self obsessed leaders do, was first in line for the jab, unlike Cambodia’s dictator Hun Sen who waited many weeks into the campaign for his jab, defering in favor of front line medical staff.

    but not our Scotty. First in, never best dressed. Maybe that’s why he didn’t organize properly a vaccination for everyone else.
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