If They say 90% of Victorians are vaccinated then I would say...

  1. 138 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    If They say 90% of Victorians are vaccinated then I would say most dying in the hospitals are vaccinated, so the poison shit does not work.
    The marches through Melbourne are getting bigger crowds so I am guessing no one in the Marches are getting the fake virus.
    I am not vaxed and have been to 5 of the protest marching along side vaxed and unvaxxed still not infected worked in the healthcare industry as a medical equipment tech in hospitals, ambulance when the plandemic was at its peak last year didn’t even get a sniffle I not saying the vulnerable won’t get it but they can pick up any flu which could kill them, seen plenty passed while working in nursing homes from general expiration.
    I have never witnessed so much sympathy for nanna to the point where we will sacrifice a young child by injecting a experimental liquid into a young child who has the rest of their lives ahead of them, to save a 80 year old nana who is her twilight of her life sure makes sense.

    I am 54 yrs old get up for my jog do my push sit ups eat healthy and look after myself I don’t need chemical shit forced into my body selling my soul and enslaving myself, my kids and my fellow Australians by contributing to the loss of freedoms while feeding these totalitarian communist Arshole governments.

    I you want to prostitute yourself out by bending over to enslavement and having the governments pissing on your back while telling you it’s raining be my guest, you will find most people on these marches are strong courageous Australians from every culture, Eastern European, Aboriginal, Middle Eastern, European, Chinese every culture,
    vaccinated unvaccinated.

    These people are fighting for your freedoms the ones you don’t even know your about to lose yet you cast shit on them why don’t you educate yourself on the vaccines plenty of information away from the ABC, 9,7 and 10 join in with the people that are sacrificing to save your freedoms and the freedoms of our children’s children.

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