From discussions with some who did not participate in being...

  1. 8,092 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 836
    From discussions with some who did not participate in being vaccinated, it is clear they are happy with their own self risk assessment.

    As for the claim of 2.46 times more likely to die from this deadly disease, those unvaccinated people spoken to are sure they're better off knowing that when or if their number is up is when it's time to go and thus are happy with their decision.

    Meanwhile, others can line up for their 5th, 6th, 7th or 8th to keep their 2.46 times claimed death likelihood level lower.

    So both sides should be happy and content. Those spoken to are, as it seems are those who get their regular boosters. So all good.

    Some of those spoken to have as yet not been hospitalized due to this disease to date but they know of people who were, despite being vaccinated and some of those had a severe bout and even were prescribed rounds of antivirals after being released. Guess the vaccines did their trick. AIMO
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