Perhaps that is true but what exactly was in the jabs - possibly...

  1. 8,094 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 838
    A few years ago a local supermarket was selling two lots of similar looking peaches with similar pricing. Both sets looked nice visibly - similar size and colour - differences were not obvious in appearance. However, one batch came from a nearby local farm, not certain of the other. The local produce was also sold at a local market so I was familiar with the way it tasted.

    Now, the taste test - suddenly there's a world of difference - the local peaches were amazing whilst the 'other batch' was like rubber with little if any flavour. Someone was looking at the 'other peaches' - tried to steer them toward the locally produced ones to no avail. Possibly one reason for so much sugar and artificial flavouring additions - to offset the lack of natural sugars?

    What's that got to do with a jab?? Well, to my understanding there were different batches administered - some were given 'nothing to see here' and some were given one's with 'real bad taste'. Thus hard to prove who's had what and of course with more shots, many also had 'mix and match' brands as well, just to add complexity. Worth remembering that there were some red flags even early on but in the main were largely ignored or roused upon - sincerely hope you're well. smile.png
    Perhaps that is true but what exactly was in the jabs - possibly saline solution?? As for according to 'my' logic - remember the old saying in investment terms - 'if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is'.

    There are also reports and videos of people who allegedly lost a limb due to having one single jab but were allegedly were going back for a second jab for fear of getting cvid an alleged much worse condition. Interestingly, had they not got the first jab, they would still have all limbs intact.

    In the end I'm no expert in medicine, neither are you but I hate visiting doctors or hospitals anytime (queues getting longer just to be seen) - do prefer to spend more time preparing or buying good food, scenic drives, walking in the bush and some gardening amongst other pastimes. The more time spent on those ventures perhaps will result in less time spent in the unpleasant unwanted but albeit sometimes necessary medical facility.

    One would have to have rocks in their head to jab 200 times - the person may be alive but should be in a mental institution - and as for a sore arm?

    May all be happy with their decision making processes and resultant decisions - whatever those decisions are based on. Enjoy ur day. smile.png AIMO

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