Most would know the reference made to herd immunity or terms...

  1. 8,429 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 884
    Most would know the reference made to herd immunity or terms like follow like sheep. Once you get into a crowd in a drinking hole, one 'member' may start a drinking spree with the 'first shout on me' and then of course it goes around. Work places similarly have promoters of the 'we've done it and we're ok, so what's wrong with you - you're one of us right?? Peer pressure from way back - if a child's development is outside of the box with regards to milestones, they're labelled with all sorts of things - even if on the up.

    Then covid and all the associated advice as to 'what should one do with an unvaccinated family member' in a family gathering such as a Christmas lunch. For one thing, respect their decision and secondly treat them as being belonging - that's what 'normal' loving families would do. Does the principle of divide and conquer ring a bell?? Get a vaccine so as to help a mate but shun a family member??

    The pressure is enormous against all the propaganda of the safe and effective remedies of vaccines, pills and so forth coupled with governmental initiatives such as we've sees re mandates and non-sensical non-medical based ongoing fear campaign. The banning of certain safe medicines also should be an alarm bell and so should the dismissive 'you may get a little pain at the injection point' narrative. The saying 'That's all folks' may be familiar with those who watched 'Looney tunes'. Looney tunes indeed.

    Your decision to vaccinate, whilst your decision may or may not have been based on the above, is your decision nevertheless. If you have kids and take them to be vaccinated it is your decision - not your child's - be sure you make the right call but before you do please see some videos and comments already posted - unless you trust in the government that allows secret deals and hiding crucial data - as is seen emerging from big pharma. Any parent would undoubtedly feel devastated should something happen as a result of any adverse reactions to their kids after vaccination - but of course the vaccine can't possibly be blamed as it's simply a wonder drug concoction. Have a think about spikes - when are they ever good - would you touch a porcupine and are you a fan of thorns on a rose bush?? And the rush for spiked proteins??

    People I know have been in the main double or triple vaccinated and all I hear from week to week is how their family members are getting covid and some are very sick - though as yet have not heard whether any died from it. What is clear, is that those I talk to are rushing to get their protection updates as they are so fearful.

    Whilst whether it's covid itself or associated with covid related or associated with the vaccine itself is not clear (unless one believes everything from mainstream), a couple of things at local level are very clear - ambulance trips and helicopters whirling to the hospital are very frequent - both appear to be at levels not known in previous times. One can argue it's just heresay or nonsense or unrelated, as the population is aging but there is also a marked increase of absenteeism in workplaces.

    Perhaps with so many studies done and are still being done (an alarm bell in itself, as these studies should have been done prior to mass innoculations), authorities should publish data on the reasons for increased use of services - but of course that implies that any results published is trustworthy. With the record flip/flops all the best with that. The true nature of the 'experiment' is yet to play out despite alarm bells and red flags. Would you invest in a company with red flags? Best to all. AIMHO
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