you're saying it - and I'm absolutely agreeing with you.How...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    you're saying it - and I'm absolutely agreeing with you.

    How naive are we to believe that this gentleman, his advisers, friends, associates, and lawyers, him in such a tight "jam" - would leave anything lying around, if allegations have any basis, which would even be even remotely incriminating - at this distance in time. Of course Thomson must be presumed innocent until proven guilty. But I'll take bets he never ever will be charged - let alone prosecuted.

    How can he be if there is no solid evidence to hand?

    Let me ask a hypothetical - if one was conducting a passionate clandestine love affair under one's partners, wife's or husband's nose - would one be stupid enough to leave one's diaries, journals, appointment books, phone call records and bills, and all computerised and written communications with the lover, and any other potentially incriminating "stuff", lying around, able to be found, for years?

    Innocent, or guilty, as if Thomson and lawyer and associates would NOT have anticipated a police raid - to happen at some future stage. Such raids would have been long anticipated - inocent or guilty - It's par for the course in any such large moneys involved alleged fraud investigations!

    As for computer experts being able to wipe hard drives etc - that'd be kid's play for any compouter geek worth their salt or their fee.

    It's a bit like when there's a change of Government - State or Federal - lights on all night - and shredders going flat out - when offices and files are about to change hands. And that's not even when any charges or allegations are in the offing or any "bad stuff" is alleged!

    Thomson as I've said already sounds absolutely comfortable and cocksure today - not a shiver in his voice - as does his lawyer. The police raids, some would allege, just done to stop the criticisms and we can ask "why the hell did this all take so long" until we're blue in the face. Or did Thomson have a sign out the front - "evidence this way?" Coffee pot's on! Gee, I didn't expect you! But nice to see you fellas! Boys in blue, eh?

    Are WE the public THIS stupid?
    Something smells here - but what?

    We can guess and allege all we like - but dare not speculate on here, or anywhere else for that now Thomson threatens defamation suits if anyone dares speak out!

    Almost four years! Why, kids are born and almost through kindergarten after the sort of time which has been allowed to elapse in this so-called "investigation!" Farce is an understatement! Disgraceful. And this a relatively MINOR case concerning ONE individual!

    Lots of us wish WE had such lavish dollops of seemingly bottomless tolerance and bonhomie when it comes to our little "speeding" and parking fines, even! And just WHO continues to pay HIS legal fees - a cushy little Union loan perhaps? we the ordinary can flail around on Legal Aid - if we can ever get it. Which most of us cannot. Except boat people.

    It's all of us who will be proven downtrack to be the naive bunnies, I'll wager. Could be wrong - but don't think so.

    The whole Labor pile now starting to stink to high heaven.
    Are we talking alleged corruptions? Serious questions should now be being asked - just WHAT the hell IS going on here? And what exactly is at the bottom of the pile?

    A Royal Commission may reveal some real truths - and then we can be assured we're being governed by people who actually deserve the respect due to proven worthy leaders.
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