Crank up mining royalties on Iron ore, page-79

  1. 22,037 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 769
    You have no evidence whatsoever that I am a Socialist. . We have State Royalties already (is that Socialist ?)

    The Crown of the various States own the minerals, not the multinationals and it should be the owners perogative to set a fair market price, IMO.

    How can advocating a fair market reset of those royalties in lieu of reducing Payroll Tax ( paid by employers) be Socialist.
    Socialist advocate State ownership of the means of production ( in this case the mines) I'm not advocating that.

    Neo-Socialists (EG Corbyn & Wolff) advocate workers co-ops etc) I dont support either.

    Have you considered going back to school , mate?....your logic befuddles a reasonable person, IMO.!!

    Perhaps you could start today by listening to this youtube presentation on Socialism & Saunders
    (by the way, name calling as if it is pejorative does your position no good, IMO)

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