crash of 2005 //////\\\\\\, page-9

  1. 13,771 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 19
    I agree with your sentiments trade4profit.

    & add this bit re the US

    by Anonymous Silver Investor
    December 21, 2004

    In my daily contact and interactions with people from all over the country throughout the year, I am truly amazed at the level of apathy and ignorance exhibited by almost all average citizens of this country regarding our present dire economic condition.

    Some of us who do know the situation educate, others are either quietly positioning themselves to profit from it or have a fatalistic “we are finished, so what can I do to stop it” attitude. Worse, some people even express a hateful “let it crash, the government is evil” sentiment. To this last group I ask, do you think the government will get less evil as time goes by and they consolidate their power. To the rest I say, “Guess what, “we” are the government”. We have a beautiful document called the Bill of Rights and the Constitution standing behind us. Over time people have let pieces of it slip away, become twisted or misinterpreted. We have let our leaders pass laws that step on this document and us at the same time. We have let greedy bankers debase our currency with fractional reserve lending and legal tender laws. These laws have concentrated so much power in the hands of the few that the entire world is now on a full un-backed fraudulent fiat money system. This counterfeiting of mans store of value and unit of exchange destroys much more than money itself. It destroys mankind. It means that people are little more than robots serving their masters. Soon real robots will match our capabilities, what then?

    The American people have been lulled to sleep by false promises of security, our false prosperity, very comfortable lifestyle, all encompassing entertainment options, a blizzard of mind numbing TV channels and news outlets that twist the truth, embellish and omit, to suit the cause. The fingers of corrupt elitist, collectivist control extend into all areas of society. Our educational system has become woefully inadequate in economic matters.

    Those of us in the know must educate others! In my business dealings I have found that word of mouth is the most powerful of all advertising mediums, more so than print, radio and TV advertising. Why? Because the listener trusts the messenger…

    Go out and tell people that the Federal Reserve Corporation banking cartel is not a government organization with only their best interests at heart.

    Remind them of the crushing debt that threatens our children and grandchildren as gutless power hungry career politicians spend and issue IOUs to cover their reckless actions.

    Please tell them that prices are not going up, the value of their dollar is being diluted.

    Tell your friends that there are powers out there that are not above manipulating free markets and staging world events to get the desired results of profit and power.

    Tell them about Fiat money systems and how they have failed disastrously every single time they have been tried.

    Point out that our founders saw with their own eyes, the great inflations and collapses in France and England and felt so strongly about honest gold and silver backed money that they wrote it into the Constitution and made disobeying it punishable by death.

    Ask them to obtain a copy of the Constitution and read it.

    Point them to the courageous Mr. Hugo Salinas Price and his current efforts to re-monetize silver in Mexico. He has a viable plan.

    Tell as many people as you can about these facts, our future depends on it. Risk embarrassing your family or becoming a bore at parties. Become a crusader. Our only hope is education and dissemination of truth. It is never too late for that. Hope, Faith, Action my friends.

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