crashy joins brisbane war protest, page-9

  1. 123 Posts.
    A lot of talk on the war at the moment for obvious reasons.
    A big question that I have is why should one country be allowed weapons of mass destruction and others not .
    Here is a scene that happened to me when I was younger. I got my friend a job with my fathers company and one day I came to work and my dad informed me that he had fired my fried . I immediately felt bad and thought my dad was the worse person in the world.
    I didn`t ask him for months why he fired my friend because I thought I had a good idea but it was funny the way he answered me .
    His answer was if I didn`t get rid of him his terrible attiude and workmanship would have slowly destroyed my business. I felt different about dad after that day and no longer felt bad about what had happend to my friend.
    This is the same with the war situation if Bush does not put a stop to saddam hussain now one day this problem will bite him and my destroy his business (USA) .
    Some do gooders seem to be under the illusion that the people in his country are friendly towards us and hate their leader . Well the truth is that he is treated as a god and anyperson in their country would give their life for him.
    Make no mistake if saddam hussain had weapons to use againts other countries he would not think twice to do it . It is the way he has been brought up he knows know different and that is fair enough. If this man had the ability to take the world over he would and it not so simple as just removing him because their would be twenty dictators standing in line to take his place.
    For those that continue to knock the USA take a look at their track record . How many of their children have they given up to protect us and other countries and then when a war is finished they dont take a county and declare it their own they give it back to the people that were doing their best to take americas or other allies land.
    To put it in simple since how would you feel living next door to a guy that owned a machine gun that had been known to take a shot at people from time to time . As soon as you saw him move you would call the police wouldn`t you.
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