CRAZY Art, page-462

  1. 22,161 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 485

    Is that a Question?
    Or a Statement?

    Everybody can "basically do Whatever he wants"
    (as long as it's legal),

    but for me Debts in Principle are a Kind of the "Cancer of Society".smile.png

    If you are Once Time in, it get's harder and harder to come out.
    And at some Point may never get out.

    It, having Debts, takes a lot, lot., lot of personal Freedom.frown.pngfrown.pngmad.pngfrown.pngfrown.png
    As said, I "just extremely hate" it if your "Ass is mortgaged".

    I understand that this is an aaaaabsolutely not easy Issue
    (many, many Things "easier said, than done"),
    if you, may, have a Family, a Car, a House, or Whatever.
    As said, I think our "Whole Society is build on it" -but in my Opinion this is NOT good "build".

    I just can say: if you HAVE the Option(s) (which often is not the Case): I would AVOID DEBTS LIKE HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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