CRAZY Art, page-622

  1. 28,794 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 250
    As I was just a teenager when I first heard of global warming it was very frightening, understandable that a young person would be fearful of a catastrophe that could possibly destroy the planet and the human race before his life had even started.

    The theory of GW had been around for a lot longer than that but the research data that the scientific community had to draw on was sketchy in comparison to what we have today and have a think about the computing power back in the early 80’s.

    Since then we have spent an unimaginable amount of dollars on research and probably more on the various renewable power generation options available yet we are still increasing our Co2 output and India, China and Russia (to name the big ones only) still have a free pass till 2050?
    The idea that the Tipping point is fast approaching/here already has to be more in the Spin section than the reality section.

    Think about it, we don’t have anything in renewables that can actually produce enough energy to keep the lights on let alone keep businesses operating.

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