XJO 0.45% 8,532.3 s&p/asx 200

Credit Card - Tuesday

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    Good Morning and Welcome to the XJO Tuesday Thread


    News for Today (AEST)
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    The XJO closed only marginally higher on Monday
    Spread narrowed considerably, and volume was quite good for a Monday.  The close was off the day's high.
    For the second day's trading, it can easily be seen that supply (selling pressure) is causing difficulties at the highs of the trading range.
    So far the Index is attempting to absorb (buy) its way through the supply coming in (in preparation for a breakout).
    However there is no telling yet,  as to whether the absorption process at this level will be successful or not.
    And Mondays bar does look somewhat vulnerable in isolation.
    So, to remain positive, a pull back (should it occur),  would probably need to again find support on top of the mid September highs @5194/5195.

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    Good Trading and Investing


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