credit where credit is due

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    Credit Where Credit is Due
    by Mike Levine
    Sep 01, '04

    Two homicide/suicide bombs destroyed two buses in Beersheva, Israel, yesterday, slaughtering 16 innocent civilians, including a 4-year-old boy on the day before he was to enter kindergarten for the first time.

    I have had my eyes glued to the television set since it happened, switching from CNN to Sky News, to the Israeli channels, and then back again.

    Every commentator and reporter on CNN and Sky News mentioned that this attack came after six months of quiet, a lull, with no suicide bombings during this period. They make it sound as if the Palestinians have declared a cease-fire or that they have refrained from violence all this time.

    And, of course, nothing could be further from the truth.

    The fact is that there has not been one single day when Palestinians have ceased recruiting, training, planning, building and trying to execute homicide bombings inside Israel.

    On an average day, we receive information about 50 plans or attempted bombings. There has been relative quiet for six months due exclusively to preventive measures taken by Israel, not because of anything done by the Arab Palestinians, who have never stopped in their attempts to murder and maim Israeli civilians.

    Israel’s preventive measures include:

    * A large network of informers in the Palestinian areas. Whatever their motivation, whether it be money, idealism or family considerations, they are invaluable in the fight against the butchers. Dozens of suicide missions have been halted at the source or intercepted and perhaps hundreds of deaths prevented due to this invaluable information. Many of the informers have paid with their lives when discovered by the PLO.

    * The anti-terrorist barrier has been far more effective than anyone predicted. Although only about 30% of it has been built, and although it is mainly in the northern and central areas, it has resulted so far in about an 80% reduction in homicide bombings. Nablus and Jenin, which used to provide about 75% of the bombers, have been stymied by the fence, because they now must make a long journey through areas with many checkpoints in order to get into Israel proper; whereas, it used to be a short walk or even shorter drive into Hadera, Netanya or Kfar Saba. The reason Hamas selected Beersheva for the bombings yesterday is because there isn’t any sort of fence or checkpoint or barrier preventing them from driving the ten miles from Hebron.

    * The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have been doing an absolutely unbelievable, incredible, remarkable job of pinning the enemy down in their rat holes, of raiding their bomb factories, of arresting their bomb-makers and engineers, of manning the checkpoints to prevent terrorist infiltration. They are not given enough credit in Israel, and are constantly maligned in the world press, and by the UN and European Union.

    There is absolutely no doubt that if the political shackles had been removed from the army, it could have totally destroyed the ability of the PLO, Hamas, Hezbullah, Fatah, and the rest of the murderers to operate; the Arafatian war would have ended, and perhaps by now a different sort of Palestinian leadership might have surfaced, with which a real peace treaty could have been negotiated.

    So, the next time you hear a CNN commentator speak about a six-month period without homicide/suicide bombings, drop them a note reminding them that its not due to any efforts on the part of Yasser Arafat and his terrorist murderers, rather that the credit should go entirely to the preventive measures employed by Israel.

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