"Critical race" curriculum caned !, page-39

  1. 18,558 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1017
    " It HAS been used to discuss it in depth to many schoolchildren and in some classrooms." Can you provide actual evidence of this?

    In an interview with Mark Latham, on SKY, (the ABC don't invite him on) he quoted complaints from parents about what their children were being taught at school. In addition he named schools where students were being taught the theory. He has even asked questions in Parliament about it.

    I have a grandaughter that has taken her three out of school and is now giving them a home education. I asked her about their social interaction and she told me she has joined them in the girl guides for that. (They live in Melbourne.)

    Maybe more should watch Sky and get to know what is really going on in the classroom. Last week Alan Jones had the NSW education minister on his program asking her questions as to why it was still happening. She did not deny it and "is working on it".

    That's enough evidence for me. How about you ?.

    Go Barnaby, Go mark. Maintain the rage.
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